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AI and society

This area of research focuses on understanding Artificial Intelligence’s impact on society and how the two interact. It aims to research how AI affects people’s lives and how it affects organisations, the economy and politics, and how society, in turn, influences the development and adoption of AI.

This area is key in tackling the ethical, social and economic aspects of AI and in guaranteeing that its development and adoption are beneficial to society. Researching these matters can help inform policies, regulations and practices that promote a responsible and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence.

AI ethics
and governance

Research on ethical aspects of AI, such as privacy, equity, fairness, justice and ethical decision-making from the perspective of governance, regulation and ethical policy. This research helps establish policies that protect human righ.

Effects on employment and the economy

Research on how automation and the adoption of AI are transforming the labour market and the economy, exploring the repercussions AI has on job creation and destruction, and also on productivity and competition.

This analysis provides information for the planning of policies and decision-making in labour and economic areas.

Education in AI and digital literacy

Search for effective teaching approaches to educate people about AI and how to interact with it in a critical manner. This entails promoting digital literacy and understanding algorithms and AI systems. The aim is to train people to take informed decisions on the use of AI in their day-to-day lives and to develop skills that allow them to include AI in their professional development.